What Does It Mean When The Court Imputes A Parent's Income?

Posted on: 27 August 2018

Most parents do right by their children and contribute in every way to their care and well-being, including financially. As the $32.9 billion in child support arrears can attest, however, some parents don't want to foot their fair share. The court has many tools available to get parents to pay what they owe, and one of those is to impute their incomes. Here's more information about this legal maneuver. Deciding Your Income for You
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Civil Litigation: Why This Is The All-Encompassing Grab-Bag Of Legal Cases

Posted on: 30 June 2018

When you think of court cases and lawsuits, you probably think of divorce court or personal injury and car accident lawsuits, right? Maybe you think of murder cases or cases where a jury is required to decide someone's fate. Each of these examples is governed by a specific branch of law; family law for divorce, personal injury for car accidents, and prosecution law for murder cases. However, a vast majority of cases, all of which are a little bit of everything, fall under civil litigation.
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Formulate A Plan Of Action After A DWI Arrest

Posted on: 18 May 2018

If you were arrested for driving while intoxicated and were recently released on bail, it is time to formulate a plan of action that will prevent you from serving jail time if you are found guilty during your trial. The guidelines that follow will help you make your way through the legal system while keeping your sanity and moving forward in your life in a dignified manner. Accept What Has Happened And Seek Legal Aid
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Courtroom Success Through Attention To Appearance

Posted on: 29 March 2018

If a courtroom encounter in your future, you would do well to attend to how you look. While your dress for the day may not be the first thing on your mind, you might be surprised at how important first impressions are. Opinions are formed, almost unconsciously, in the first few seconds of an encounter. No matter what the reason is for your "day in court", looks count. Why not make your appearance a success with proper dress?
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