4 Things You Should Know About Being Pulled Over For A DUI

Posted on: 25 July 2017

A DUI can be a serious charge. It can affect your permanent record and can even result in your license being taken away and perhaps jail time. This is why it is important that you know how to act and what to do in the case that you are pulled over for a DUI. Here are some tips. 1. Don't Volunteer Information When the officer pulls you over they may not even ask you questions; they might just take your license and registration.
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Child Support Modification: What You Need To Know

Posted on: 12 July 2017

It isn't uncommon for your circumstances to change in life. After you get separated or divorced, you may be required to pay child support. However, this doesn't mean that the amount that you are initially ordered to pay by the court is set in stone forever. It is possible to go back to court and request a modification. This modification may be temporary or permanent, depending on the exact circumstances and reasoning.
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Received A Traffic Ticket? Why You Should Hire An Attorney

Posted on: 29 June 2017

If you've been pulled over by a member of law enforcement and issued a traffic ticket, you know just how frustrating such an experience can be. You might be living on a tight budget and just don't see how you'll be able to find the money to pay the expense. Although you may be thinking about going to court and attempting to beat the ticket on your own, it's a much better idea for you to get a lawyer on your side.
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Affirmative Defenses That Can Help Your Kid Facing Burglary Charges

Posted on: 6 June 2017

As a parent, few things are as devastating as learning that your kid was caught burglarizing an apartment. However, just because they were caught doesn't mean that they are guilty and that they will be automatically convicted. Depending on the circumstances of the event, there are a few affirmative defenses that may help the young one. For example, the young one may escape the charges by proving that: They Believed They Had the Owner's Consent
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