What If A Parent Violates A Parenting Plan?

Posted on: 18 March 2019

Putting together a parenting plan is a beneficial way to improve your parenting relationship. When you put together a parenting plan, both of you agree to specific terms. You agree to participate in getting your child where he or she needs to be or ensure that you are abiding by rules put forth by the judge. Are you afraid you may have violated your parenting plan? Did your child's other parent violate the plan?
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Should You Find An Attorney After A Vehicular Accident?

Posted on: 4 January 2019

Have you recently been involved in an accident on the road? If the answer to that question is yes, then you may need to see an attorney. In fact, seeing an attorney to talk about what happened and to determine if any action needs to be taken is never a bad idea. However, there are some instances in which you most definitely should not skip out on this step. If You Had to Head to the Hospital
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Your Requested Sentencing Of DUI School Could Be A Challenge In These Situations

Posted on: 27 November 2018

When you and your attorney look at the sentencing options that are possible following a guilty verdict in a DUI case, one of the more favorable ones may be to attend DUI school. Sitting in a classroom and learning about the risks and consequences of driving drunk isn't particularly difficult, and when you compare it to jail time or a fine, DUI school may seem like the best outcome of this difficult situation.
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SSDI: Know The Facts Before You Apply

Posted on: 20 October 2018

When a medical condition means having to leave to your job, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has a solution for you. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a government program that provides some workers with a monthly financial benefit. You can improve your chances of getting approved and perhaps reduce the wait time if you plan ahead. Read on for some useful tips on preps to take before you apply for SSDI.
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