Locked in a Legal Dispute? The Benefits of Using an Alternative Dispute Resolution Service

Posted on: 24 May 2019

Being locked in a legal dispute can be stressful. You may not know what the outcome is going to be or when the case will be going to trial, and the entire process can be costing you money in legal fees. One of the alternatives to waiting for your case to go to trial is to use an alternative dispute resolution service. An alternative dispute resolution service offers mediation services to help you and the other party come to a resolution. Here are a few of the benefits of going this route. 

May Help You to Save Money

One of the benefits of using an alternative dispute resolution service is that it can help you to save money. Hiring lawyers is expensive. And the longer your case goes on, the more money you spend. By using a resolution service, you and the other party may be able to reach a fair resolution to the legal complaint, putting an end to attorney expenses. 

Can Resolve Your Dispute Faster

Another benefit to using an alternative dispute resolution service is that you can resolve your dispute faster. It takes time for a case to go to trial. A court date has to be set, and the discovery process has to be completed. All the while, you are hanging in limbo wondering what is going to happen. If you do not want to wait months or years for a resolution to your trial, reaching an agreement with the other party with the help of an alternative dispute resolution service can bring your trial to a conclusion faster. 

Helps You Have Control Over the Outcome 

If your case goes to trial, you have absolutely no control over the outcome. The outcome of the trial is left in the hands of a judge or a jury. They may see things your way, or they may not. When you use an alternative dispute resolution service, you have some control over the outcome. Both parties have to be willing to give a little bit, but in the end, you can both reach an outcome that you have control over and feel comfortable with. 

Your Resolution Can Be Confidential

The final benefit of using an alternative dispute resolution service is that your resolution can be kept confidential. When your case goes to trial, it is public record, and anyone can see the outcome or results. 

Stop being stressed out by a legal dispute. Get the issue resolved as quickly as possible by using an alternative dispute resolution service. Contact a service in your area today to find out how you can get started. 
